The United States Constitution grants Congress the power, “To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.” This phrase is the source of both patent and copyright laws; however, copyright’s “Authors” and “Writings” have been extended to include literary, musical, dramatic, choreographic, pictorial, graphic, sculptural, motion picture, audiovisual, sound recording, and architectural works. A copyright will not be granted for ideas, procedures, processes, systems, methods of operation, concepts, principles, or discoveries, which are primarily addressed through the patent system. The McHattie Law Firm looks forward to discussing your creative works with you and helping you design an appropriate strategy for those works in the US.
In short, a copyright protects the expression of an original idea by granting the copyright owner the exclusive right to copy, make derivative works of, distribute, perform, and/or display that particular expression of the idea. We are adept at providing our clients with comprehensive copyright services, including registration, renewal, assignment, and enforcement of your copyright, in addition to explaining the scope of protection that your copyright secures.
Intellectual Property
The McHattie Law Firm is uniquely equipped to deal with modern businesses’ most valuable asset, its intellectual property, and to manage it with a strategic legal approach. From creation to licensing to sale, we stand ready, willing and able to serve your needs and to develop solutions for your opportunities and problems. We have the experience to help you obtain global intellectual property protection, whether an invention, the expression of a creative idea, a trademark, or software, and to do so in an efficient and effective way, and to thereafter help you exploit and profit from that investment.
Intellectual Property
The McHattie Law Firm is uniquely equipped to deal with modern businesses’ most valuable asset—its intellectual property—and to manage it with a strategic legal approach in the US.
From creation to licensing to sale, we stand ready, willing and able to serve your needs, developing strategies for your opportunities and solutions to your problems. We have the experience to help you obtain your US and global IP protection for an invention, the expression of an original idea, a trademark, or software efficiently and effectively, and to thereafter help you earn a return and profit from that investment.